Sunday, May 23, 2004

Condom in Malaysia

There was a report which came out recently which says that Malaysian men do not like to use condom.

In the first place the report did not say whether this applies to Muslim or non-Muslim. It did not say whether it was found in the rural areas or the urban areas. In the urban areas condom are sold freely but in the rural areas (especially among the older generation of Malays)condoms are sold openly but the buying of condom is frowned upon. From my understanding, persons who buy condom in the rural areas are up to some mischief, but more likely those who buy condoms in the urban areas are really up to some mischief.

To me it is most inconvenient if condoms are used by the rural folks. They do not know where to keep them. Imagine if one of their small children finds it and use it as a balloon. It will be most embarrassing to all parties concerned. And if one of their older children were to find it, then they will know exactly what the parents are up to at night (or even in the day time, if they have not known yet). What if the older children use the condom themselves to experiment with their brothers or sisters say. It will be most unfortunate. And if the wife has not have enough 'ration' for herself and if she starts to count the condom, any condom missing will result in family crisis.

What are these condoms to be used for. Someone said to prevent the spread of VD, or worse still AID. But if you are not promiscuous then what are the chances of contacting either VD or AID. Malay Muslim rural folks are taught not to be promiscuous. And if they decide to take another wife, the wife would probably be not promiscuous as well (but she may have other husbands earlier) and thus may or may not have VD or AID. So far from having sex anywhere they want to like cats, dogs, ducks and chicken these Muslim Malay rural folks are very careful about their sexual behaviour. Most fear God more than AID. And to me this is prevention enough.

What about the urban folks. Sad to say the urban folks are not as God fearing as the rural folks. Not in that sense anyway though they can be more religious, especially nowadays. So they will have sex with women when they have the opportunity, at least a certain no. of them. So VD and AID probably will be spread faster than among the rural Malay Muslim folks. By the way, does anyone have the knowledge of the sexual behaviour of the Malay Muslim rural folks? I know from experience that they will marry at the first opportunity but they are not promiscuous.

They say that AID is a fearful disease. I agree, though I have no first hand experience with the disease. Back to our Malaysian who do not use condom, is there a rampant incident of our Malaysian men being homosexual? Maybe some but these are not that apparent. Except those transvestite who trade their 'wares' in certain town like Kuantan and in the big Cities like KL or Penang. But even then how many people really use their 'services'? Maybe some but I feel certain that these are used by urban folks who are exposed to such sexual deviancy. The rural folks may not even understand what homosexuality is. It was very very taboo in those days but now I suppose they hear about them but they do not like the idea. So I would presume that they do not take part. As for rural Malay Muslim folks visiting prostitutes may be done by some but can most afford such 'trips'? These men have wives at home who probably can give the services to them more than what they can bargain for. They may like to experience some encounters with prostitutes (and experience the different 'treatments') but once they find out that its too expensive they may just ease such encounters. Unless of course the guy is not really satisfied with the wife's performance. But he can always take a second wife.

One inconvenience which these rural folks have in using condoms is where to dispose of the used condoms. In the urban area you may very well flush it down into the toilet but in the rural area there may not even be a toilet. Toilet is a quite new word in the rural vocubalory, 'small house at the back' maybe more like it though now many have become a bit 'civilised' and have built 'small room' at the back. And you cannot very well throw the used condoms into the river, for it to flow downriver. Some one may pick them up, children or even adults they may think that its dead fish floating in the river water. Say even if they have toilets, its not as convenient as the toilets of the urban folks. In the rural areas they all use some sort of septic tanks, constructed or prefabricated. What if the septic tanks gets broken and you see all these used condom floating about at the scene of the broken septic tank. The whole village will know of the couple's secret. And in the village knowing such secret is a loss of face to the couple.

And to buy those condom is a problem to the rural folks. They do not even know what to call them. They probably go into a shop and point a finger at the condoms, pay for them quickly and may actually run out of the shop in haste. Sometimes the shopkeeper may not have enough time even to wrap the product. And if any of his friends see him buying condoms, it will be the talk of the village. In the urban areas its a different matter. Even 7-Eleven, the 24 hour convenient shops, sell condom. So if you need a condom urgently you just run to the nearest 7-Eleven shop and buy one. How you use the condom then is your own business, with your wife or your girl/boy friend (for homosexual) or even your mistress. And where you use the condom is also your own affair, in the comfort of your house bedroom, in some sleazy hotels or lodging houses or in some luxury hotel in the middle of the City.

The question is to condom or not to condom. The spread of VD and AID may not be prevented by condoms, they may just be minimised. Its the sexual behaviour that need to be controlled and not to encourage sexual behviour not to Gods sanctions and loking at the present scene such use of condom encourages promiscuity further.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came across your blog on a fluke search, but I read a bit since it was an interesting, albeit, generalised topic. But I have to say, I would have been more satisfied reading a generalised post on the issue instead of your naive take on the situation. I'm sorry, but if you think that rural people are all innocent and muslims, simply because they are 'taught' to not be promiscuous, are not...whether urban or rural, you will have a very rude awakening one day if you learn what is really going on. I'd encourage you to approach the issue from a 'less biased' position and not with the general assumption that a rural muslim is more pure and less corrupted than an urban non-muslim, for example.

10:36 AM  
Blogger mylias said...

Thank you very much for your comment. I realised that rural Malays are not that innocent, but they seem innocent enough on the surface. What is broiling undeneath, I dare not comment - it will just be my assumptions.
On them being Muslims, most profess to be Muslims, but there are some who call themselves Muslims but not really practicing the religion as it should be - this is difficult as 'should be' can be interpreted in many ways by so many people; some still believe in the beliefs of the Hindus though if I say that I may get shot by some rural Muslims. They believe in dieties and spirits (in Malay 'hantu' and 'jemalang' - friendly and not so friendly types). And in some areas they still pay respect to the spirits of the water, the forest and the trees though if you ask them they will say that they are Muslims. Some still call on the 'jin' when trying to cure anyone afflicted by any disease, and in the 'jin' calling ceremony they dance about. Of course here I am going too deep into the subject so I will let the case rest.

1:54 PM  
Anonymous trojan magnum said...

I'm sorry to hear they still have those troubles :/

10:04 PM  

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